UNIVERSITE PROTESTANTE AU CONGO BP 4745 Kinshasa 2, Republique democratique du congo
secretariat general a la recherche

Pourquoi cette plateforme ?

La recherche ne doit pas être un parcours du combattant. Combien de fois avez-vous abandonné une idée faute de ressources ? Combien d’opportunités vous ont échappé par manque d’informations ? Ici, nous mettons fin à ces barrières.

Nous vous connectons aux appels à financement, appels à projets, publications scientifiques et opportunités de collaboration pour donner vie à vos ambitions académiques.

Ne laissez plus vos idées dormir. Faites entendre votre voix scientifique dès aujourd’hui !

Appels à Communication et Publication

Découvrez des colloques, conférences et revues académiques pour partager vos travaux. Cette section vous permet de rester informé sur les événements scientifiques et d'améliorer votre visibilité dans la communauté académique.

Accédez aux colloques, revues académiques et conférences internationales qui vous donneront la visibilité que vous méritez. Publiez votre savoir, inspirez d’autres chercheurs et marquez votre empreinte scientifique.

Consulter les appels à publication

Opportunités de financement

A group of people engaged in a collaborative activity around a table covered with notes, pens, and sticky notes. They appear to be working on a brainstorming or planning session. Several individuals are writing or holding sticky notes. In the background, charts and diagrams are visible on a board.
A group of people engaged in a collaborative activity around a table covered with notes, pens, and sticky notes. They appear to be working on a brainstorming or planning session. Several individuals are writing or holding sticky notes. In the background, charts and diagrams are visible on a board.
Appels à communication

Trouvez des colloques et revues académiques pertinentes.

Several people are sitting around a wooden table engaged in a collaborative work session. Laptops and notebooks are open in front of them, with one person writing in a notebook. The screen of one laptop displays a document titled 'modern architecture.' Two white mugs are visible on the table.
Several people are sitting around a wooden table engaged in a collaborative work session. Laptops and notebooks are open in front of them, with one person writing in a notebook. The screen of one laptop displays a document titled 'modern architecture.' Two white mugs are visible on the table.
A group of people participate in a collaborative brainstorming session. Yellow sticky notes are scattered across a blue table, each containing handwritten ideas or notes. Several hands are in motion, holding pens and sticky notes, indicating active participation. A bottle of water and a clear plastic cup are also on the table.
A group of people participate in a collaborative brainstorming session. Yellow sticky notes are scattered across a blue table, each containing handwritten ideas or notes. Several hands are in motion, holding pens and sticky notes, indicating active participation. A bottle of water and a clear plastic cup are also on the table.
Several people are gathered around a table, appearing to be engaged in a collaborative task or discussion. One person is using a camera on the left side of the image, possibly recording the activity. The room has wooden furniture, a tiled floor, and there are electronic devices and bottles of water on the tables. The atmosphere seems focused and productive.
Several people are gathered around a table, appearing to be engaged in a collaborative task or discussion. One person is using a camera on the left side of the image, possibly recording the activity. The room has wooden furniture, a tiled floor, and there are electronic devices and bottles of water on the tables. The atmosphere seems focused and productive.
Formations en ligne

Renforcez vos compétences en méthodologie et rédaction scientifique.

Le plus grand frein à la recherche ? Le manque de financement. Mais ici, nous avons la solution

Nous répertorions pour vous les appels à projets nationaux et internationaux, bourses de recherche et subventions adaptées à votre domaine. Ne passez plus à côté d’une opportunité qui pourrait changer votre avenir.
Postulez dès maintenant et obtenez les ressources nécessaires pour concrétiser vos travaux.

gray computer monitor


Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ici.